Please send a hire enquiry using the contact form below. Kindly specify your filming subject and any potential trial/shoot dates, as this is the best way to monitor camera availability.

If there is anything you are unsure about, Mark Johnson will be happy to discuss your specific high-speed imaging requirements. Contact details below.

Slowmo Ltd can cover enquiries from mainland Europe.

Camera Hire Enquiry

Mark Johnson
+44 (0) 7961 483137 (Primary No/Voicemail)

Slowmo Ltd
84 Thorley Lane
Cheshire WA15 7AN
United Kingdom

Slowmo Ltd – Company Information

VAT Reg:
GB 900 2899 35

Registered in England No:

Registered Office:
84 Thorley Lane, Timperley, Altrincham, WA15 7AN

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